What is The Core Recovery Method®?

bladder core diastasis gut pelvic floor performance enhancement post partum pregnancy prolapse spine

The Core Recovery Method® Mini Series

Part One: What is The Core Recovery Method®? 

Part Two: Benefits of The Core Recovery Method®

Part Three: Who is The Core Recovery Method® For?

Part Four: Which Subscription Plan Inside The Core Recovery Method® is Right for You?



If you have been following along for a while, I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about The Core Recovery Method®, but perhaps you’re not quite sure what it is! In this series, I am going to explain what The Core Recovery Method® is, the benefits, who the program is for, and which subscription is right for you.

First, let’s talk about what exactly The Core Recovery Method® Online Program is and how I came to develop this unique protocol.

I created The Core Recovery Method® Online Program for anyone who has issues with their core, spine, and/or pelvic floor. It’s important to note that your core is so much more than your abs. Your core is everything except for your arms and legs. So “your core” includes your head, neck, entire spine, your rib cage and shoulders, your abdomen, pelvis and hips. Your core also includes all of the muscles, fascia, nerves, arteries, veins, lymph and organs in these regions. 

Maintaining a strong core is of the utmost importance to your health and longevity because your core is responsible for all of your vital physiological processes. A strong core will lead to optimal posture and movement patterns, healthy breathing and circulation, efficient nerve conduction, clear thinking, healthy digestion, strong immune function, and proper hormonal regulation. All of which will lead to you being the best version of you!

In this course, you will come away with a solid understanding of the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of ‘the core’ and you’ll learn exactly how and why core dysfunction occurs, and how to prevent and heal all kinds of core dysfunction, ranging from back pain and diastasis to incontinence and prolapse. 


How The Core Recovery Method® was Developed

Over a decade of treating both women and men with spine, pelvic and core dysfunction has led me to discover several different techniques that are incredibly effective for rehabilitating (and preventing!) all different kinds of core issues. My experiences with patients have led me to continually seek out new, better methods to strengthen the core, spine and pelvic floor. A lot of what I learned in PT school did not end of getting the results I had hoped with my patients. So I continued to study and explore other philosophies. So far on my journey, I have made 2 major discoveries that completely transformed how I approach healing the core.  

The first is Maya medicine and the works of Rosita Arvigo. After learning this form of indigenous medicine, I realized the vital importance of the position of the uterus in overall pelvic and core health. When I began incorporating abdominal massage and organ positioning into my physical therapy protocols, my patients improved much faster and needed far fewer sessions. 

After realizing the importance of uterine position, I then searched for an active exercise based strategy to center the uterus. This is when I found hypopressive training. I studied with Dr. Tamara Rial, the creator of Low Pressure Fitness, and learned how to use breathing and posture to lift the organs, decompress the spine and strengthen the core. This is also when I realised the powerful benefits this new system would have for anyone with back pain or injury, spinal issues, and neck pain.

The protocol I created and teach inside of The Core Recovery Method® Online Program is a combination of my physical therapy protocols, my form of abdominal massage, and my expression hypopressive training. Since implementing this method with my patients, the results have been truly incredible. The great majority of my patients have had complete resolution of their pelvic and core issues; they need fewer sessions to get there; and now are completely independent in managing their core and pelvic health with my new protocol. I’m so grateful to be able to share this protocol with people all over the world now through an online program!


Inside The Core Recovery Method® Online program

In this comprehensive program, you'll explore the physiology and anatomy of the core, providing you with invaluable knowledge on the root causes of core dysfunction and practical solutions to tackle concerns like back pain, diastasis, incontinence, and prolapse. This program includes easy to implement dietary and behavioral strategies, self therapy techniques, and postural and breathing exercises that train your core to function as it is meant to function.



4 Parts of The Core Recovery Method®: 

Core Education

In the Core Education section, you will learn all about the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the core. You will walk away with a solid understanding of what leads to core dysfunction, and how to prevent it, and what you can do to decrease your risk of injury. You will learn how to assess your core muscles to determine if they are functioning optimally and whether you are at risk for core dysfunction, and the frequent complications that result from it. You will also learn important dietary and behavioral strategies that result in good core hygiene and lead to optimal core health.


Core Therapy

In the Core Therapy section, you will learn my 3 step process to prepare your core for more intensive strengthening. This series includes active and passive organ positioning strategies, step by step instructions on how to eliminate trigger points from your core, and key breathing exercises that return your core to its optimal state. You will learn specific self therapy techniques that lift your pelvic organs, reduce abdominal bloating and swelling, improve digestion, resolve dysfunctional tension in the core muscles, and improve posture and breathing patterns to optimize core function. Core Therapy will prepare your body for Hypopressive Training and Glute Strengthening.


Hypopressive Training

In the Hypopressive Training section, you will learn a powerful breathing technique that reduces waist circumference, decompresses the spine, lifts the pelvic organs, and strengthens the deep core muscles reflexively. I will guide you through the basics of this technique and give you videos to follow along with as you practice at home. You can progress through Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels of Hypopressive Training. There is also a section specific to Pregnancy.


Glute Strengthening

In the Glute Strengthening section, you will learn the most effective glute exercises that you can do at home. The glutes are one of the most important muscles in your body and a critical part of your core. Glute strength is directly linked to overall health and longevity. Glute weakness is directly linked to core, spine and pelvic floor dysfunction. In this series, I will guide you through my 9 favorite glute exercises and their modifications. You will have access to several different exercise routines that will strengthen your glutes, improve circulation to your pelvis, and create deep strength in your core.


How It Works

For the best results, I recommend going through the Core Recovery Program in the order I have designed: Core Education, Core Therapy, Hypopressive Training and Glute Strengthening. Each section includes downloadable summary sheets of the key points from each video. There is also a Resources section with links to buy the tools I recommend throughout the program. 

Finally, you receive The Core Recovery Calendar. This is where all the techniques you learn in this program will be put into a schedule so you know exactly what you need to do each day on your journey to optimal core health. Implementing this protocol requires just 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week. And those 30 minutes can be broken up into 10 minute increments to fit your day. If you have more time and want to do more, you can spend up to 60 minutes per day. But all that is necessary for results is 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week. 


Joining The Core Recovery Method®, is a powerful step towards reclaiming your core health and overall well-being. 

The Core Recovery Method® Online Program offers a path to not only heal core dysfunction, but also to reach optimal health and fitness. Your body will thank you, and you'll be amazed at the positive impact it will have on your entire life!


Join The Core Recovery Method® Online Program, a simple yet comprehensive guide to optimal core health.

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