Who is The Core Recovery Method® for?

bladder core diastasis gut pelvic floor performance enhancement post partum pregnancy prolapse spine

The Core Recovery Method® Mini Series

Part One: What is The Core Recovery Method®? 

Part Two: Benefits of The Core Recovery Method®

Part Three: Who is The Core Recovery Method® For?

Part Four: Which Subscription Plan Inside The Core Recovery Method® is Right for You?



Last week, we explored the benefits of The Core Recovery Method® and how it supports core and pelvic health. In this post, we’re talking about who can benefit the most from joining this program. Whether you're a proactive health enthusiast, a pregnant woman or mother, an individual seeking healthy aging, or someone currently healing from core or pelvic dysfunction, The Core Recovery Method® can support you!

Over a decade of treating both women and men with spinal, pelvic and core dysfunction has led me to discover various methods and techniques that are incredibly effective for rehabilitating all different kinds of core dysfunction. This program is especially beneficial for people who suffer from spinal dysfunctions like back pain, sciatica, disc herniations, or tailbone pain. It’s perfect for postpartum moms seeking to close a diastasis, and for women who have pelvic organ prolapse or pelvic pain. It will help those who struggle with sexual dysfunction, have fertility issues, and women who have endometriosis. This program is excellent for anyone who struggles with gut, bowel or bladder issues such as incontinence, urgency, frequency, or constipation. 

In addition, this program is also ideal for people who are healthy and want to be proactive in preventing any issues from occurring in the future. As well as for athletes who want to maximize their performance by improving their core strength and cardiovascular capacity. Even though the goal of this program is regaining optimal core function, it will also improve the aesthetics of your core - so anyone looking to reduce their waist circumference and improve the tone and look of their belly will be able to achieve those goals with this program. 


Proactive Health and Athletic Performance

If you're an individual who prioritizes your health and well-being, The Core Recovery Method® is tailor-made for you. Whether you're an athlete striving for peak performance or a health-conscious enthusiast dedicated to maintaining an active lifestyle, this program offers an unparalleled opportunity to take your core strength and overall physical prowess to new heights.

The Core Recovery Method® is centered around true core training, a groundbreaking approach that targets the involuntary nervous system through breathwork and posture. By honing in on this aspect of core function, the program not only sculpts your abdominal muscles but also taps into the deep, often overlooked muscles of the pelvic floor and spine. Through rhythmic reflexive activations, your core becomes a powerhouse of strength and stability, resulting in improved overall physical performance.

For athletes, optimizing core health is a game-changer. Your core serves as the foundation for virtually all movements, from explosive sprints to precise, controlled maneuvers. By strengthening your core through The Core Recovery Method®, you'll experience enhanced balance, agility, and coordination – the key ingredients for peak athletic performance. Moreover, the program's focus on breathwork and posture ensures that your core is engaged in a functional manner, safeguarding against potential injuries that could derail your training progress.

Even for health enthusiasts who may not be involved in competitive sports, a strong core is vital for everyday activities and longevity. By adopting The Core Recovery Method®, you will create a solid foundation for your active lifestyle, whether it's hiking, dancing, playing with your kids, or simply enjoying a pain-free life. With a core that operates at its full potential, you'll find improved posture, enhanced mobility, and a reduction in common aches and pains that can arise from a sedentary lifestyle.

Additionally, The Core Recovery Method® recognizes the importance of sexual satisfaction and seeks to enhance it through improved pelvic floor function and circulation. By promoting healthy pelvic floor muscles, this program contributes to increased sexual satisfaction and overall confidence in intimate relationships.

Beyond the immediate physical benefits, taking a proactive approach to core health sets you up for a future of wellness. By investing in your core strength now, you can prevent potential core-related challenges later in life, safeguarding against issues like lower back pain, incontinence, and postural imbalances.


During Pregnancy & After Birth 

Pregnancy and motherhood are incredible journeys filled with joy and transformation, but they can also bring about challenges, particularly in terms of core and pelvic health. The Core Recovery Method® offers invaluable support for those who seek to rehabilitate and strengthen their core and pelvic floor during and after pregnancy. With a holistic approach that encompasses abdominal massage, trigger point release, stretching, posture and breathmwork, this program effectively prepares your core muscles and organs for exercise, and all that life has to bring to a mother (lifting growing babies, carrying all sorts of crazy things for kids, sitting for long hours to cuddle for a nap or nurse, etc).

During pregnancy, The Core Recovery Method® proves to be a powerful resource in maintaining core health throughout pregnancy. By gently addressing the changes and stress that pregnancy places on the core and pelvic region, this method helps alleviate discomfort, promote proper alignment, and prevent issues such as diastasis recti, a condition where the abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy. Furthermore, the focus on pelvic floor health plays a vital role in enhancing bladder and bowel function, reducing the likelihood of incontinence issues commonly experienced during and after pregnancy.

During postpartum recovery, The Core Recovery Method® is also immensely helpful as you navigate the journey of healing and rejuvenation after childbirth. The program provides essential tools and techniques to address pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, and diastasis recti, aiding in the recovery and strengthening of the core and pelvic floor muscles. By incorporating exercises that target the pelvic floor and core, moms can regain stability, support, and comfort in their bodies, ultimately improving their overall quality of life. Embracing the Core Recovery Method® empowers pregnant and postpartum mothers to embrace their journey with grace and strength, ensuring a smoother transition into parenthood and beyond.


Healing From Core & Pelvic Dysfunction

For individuals currently on a journey of healing from core or pelvic dysfunction, The Core Recovery Method® stands as a beacon of hope and support, offering a lifeline to reclaim your core health and overall well-being. Whether you're struggling with persistent back pain, incontinence, or other core-related conditions, this program is tailored to target core muscle dysfunction, paving the way for remarkable improvements and even resolutions of these issues. Through its holistic approach, encompassing various essential elements, The Core Recovery Method® provides a comprehensive roadmap to rehabilitation, empowering you to take charge of your healing journey.


The program places particular emphasis on the following key aspects to aid in your recovery:

Organ Support: By focusing on lifting, centering, and detoxification of internal organs, especially the uterus, The Core Recovery Method® leads to notable enhancements in digestion, metabolism, and hormonal regulation. As your organs find their optimal position, the healing process accelerates, fostering an environment conducive to overall well-being and vitality.

Pelvic Floor Health: Addressing the core and pelvic floor muscles with care and precision, this program helps improve their function, activation, and vitality. Through this approach, notable advancements in bladder and bowel function, as well as enhanced sexual satisfaction, become achievable, contributing to your renewed sense of confidence and comfort.

Spinal Decompression: The Core Recovery Method® leads to increased space between each vertebra, a crucial factor in improving posture, alignment, and symmetry of the spine. With this enhanced spinal condition, pain reduction, and improved nerve condition, muscle activation, and circulation become tangible outcomes, propelling you closer to a life free from core-related discomfort.

Fascial Strengthening: Structural improvements in abdominal muscle tone, waist circumference, and the integrity of abdominal and pelvic fascia are key facets that unlock enhanced organ support and spinal stabilization. These fundamental changes can revolutionize your core and pelvic health, enabling you to better manage and heal from existing conditions.

Reduction of Intra-Abdominal Pressure: Chronic pressure, often experienced during activities like sitting, and in association with digestive issues, pregnancy, or high-impact sports, can be alleviated through specific breathwork and eccentric core training recommended by The Core Recovery Method®. This approach leads to relief and has a positive impact on your healing process.


Everyone Can Benefit From Core Health Training!

From proactive health enthusiasts and athletes seeking to prevent issues and optimize performance to pregnant women, mothers, and older individuals desiring to enhance their well-being and age healthfully, and finally to those currently healing from core or pelvic dysfunction, this transformative journey offers something remarkable for everyone. By following the Core Recovery Calendar and dedicating just 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, you will chart a transformative path to recovery and renewed independence in managing your core and pelvic health. Through the guidance of this program, a life of restored strength, balance, and well-being awaits you.


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